Tonewood info
We have made links available to a very useful Tonewood Data Source website of the various tonewoods used in musical instruments for informative purposes**.
**Please note the following as quoted from the publisher of - "Begun as a private project, I was asked to make this available to others. For my own use, attribution was not a particular concern - which of course I regret now. If you see something you said or a photo or yours is in there, please first allow me the opportunity to properly credit it - or to remove it if you object. Much of what has been said is highly subjective. We can post your experiences as well. My own are limited enough that they are best kept to myself. Two pieces of wood may exhibit very different characteristics; this is part of what makes wood so fascinating. And two luthiers may have differing opinions, based upon the wood they use, their techniques in handling it, and the level of their expertise. The more information that is gathered, the easier it will be to draw conclusions which help us all." |
Tonewoods List & Pics
R-T |
V-Z |
H-L |
M |
N-P |